Our video shows
It may sound strange but even if we're a radio we do have a video section. Here are our documentaries, services and things that even us don't know how to call them...
Our reports
Here are the reports we make every week! Usually we are used to reading news from other news outlets, but thanks to these videos we can finally have our say on what's going on around us and uncover new stories featuring teenagers!

Teen Parade Astrolav
Teen Parade Astrolav is Radioimmaginaria's programme relised in collaboration with the Ministry of Work and Social Policies in order to understand how the work-world is build. It's time to understand something more about it.

Now, more than ever, between Covid and climate change, every teenager faces a daily struggle for survival. That's why Idioteens - tips for survival, Radioimmaginaria's programme for surviving everything, was born. But we will survive!

Fase UE
Fase UE is the Radioimmaginaria programme produced in collaboration with the European Parliament in Italy to tell what Europe has done and what it will be like after this pandemic. Watch all episodes again!

Coronao Now
Radioimmaginaria didn't stop even during the Covid-19 pandemic and with this programme we talked about how we dealt with online lessons, crazy parents and TV series. Moreover, during a three-months period from Monday to Friday we had live with us experts virologists to understand more about Covid and how our lives would change. Click here to catch up with the interviews!

Summer in there
No holidays and no beach, if you also think that Covid has completely ruined your summer welcome to the club. Here you have E-state in là! Radioimmaginaria's project that talks about the backstage of the most crazy and contagious summer of all times, from under the beach umbrella and behind the mask.