Youth Symphony Orchestra Of Ukraine
We first met the Youth Symphony Orchestra Of Ukraine in February 2022 when Russia's invasion of Ukraine had begun a few days before. It is an orchestra composed only of Ukrainian girls and boys our age and in their cities for a few months there is no more room for music.... The time has come to come back and play and they do it for the first time at Eurovision, on May 9 and 10...Articles
L'Eurovision è lo stadio della musica
Siamo stati a Eurovision 2022 e a Eurovision Village sembrava di essere allo stadio
La Kalush Orchestra ha vinto l'Eurovision!
Ecco com'è andata la settimana di Eurovision
Blanco ha salutato la Youth Symphony of Ukraine
A Eurovision Village è arrivato a sorpresa Blanco per salutare la Youth Symphony of Ukraine!
Intervista ad Emma Muscat
Ad Eurovision abbiamo intervistato Emma Muscat