Top 5 TV series intros

Published by Alice C on 2021-04-22 in Nerd
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5. Game of Thrones (link)

What should I write about this intro? If we had to evaluate just the CGI it would be the best in every ranking of intros and of cinema's history. The cool thing is that, for those who didn't pay too much attention, the theme song changes every day.

4. Teen Wolf (link)

I remember how excited I was when, in the second season, they swapped the basic writing of Teen Wolf with this beautiful intro. Please, tell me I'm not the only one.
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3. Wynonna Earp – Told that Devil by Jill Andrews (link)

From now on, we are on the podium. The series Wynonna Earp has an intro which seems a mixture between a Vintage collage and a western thriller. Not everyone would agree with my choice but I love this style too much.

2. Shannara Chronicles – Until We Go Down by Ruelle (link)


I've just started this series but I have to say that the first thing that pops out is the intro. Its main characteristic is that they commissioned the song to an emergent singer, Ruelle. Moreover the rhythm is light but at the same time mysterious and intriguing. Perfect for a fantasy series.

1. Shadowhunters – This Is The Hunt by Ruelle (link)

Ladies and gentleman we have a winner! It's impossible to skip this intro. The song is so nice to hear and the lyrics is made exceptionally for the series. As a number one fan of Ruelle as I am, I can't help but admire that she did it all by herself. Basically she took the place of a whole soundtrack department.

Illustrations by Radioimmaginaria