Is it really cool to live abroad?

Published by Alice C on 2020-09-24 in Pop
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Hello my darlings, did you miss me? I know, I know, I didn't write much these last weeks but for a very good reason. Basically I moved abroad. Without friends or family, just me, myself and I. Yeah I know, it sounds scary and I can assure you that it's not an easy path. However, we hear so often people saying that it's so amazing and fun that we usually take this for granted without even knowing why. If you're thinking about going abroad for a while, for a study-vacation or just to visit some friends here's what you need to know.

Let's start with saying that (at least for me) one of the shittiest parts was the goodbye one. Everyone looking at you as if it was the last time you'll ever see them doesn't help when you have at least other fifty things to think about. So for this part I need you to toughen up and be strong, cause once you start feeling sad it's difficult to stop.
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As soon as you get at your 'new home' it won't feel like home at all. Really, every time I go abroad I think: 'wait this is not my home, I want to go back to my parents and my cats'. I mean, it's normal to feel lost the first days or even weeks, but you have to cope with it and then overcome. And do we want to talk about grown-ups responsibilities? Going to the supermarket, cook for yourself, doing laundry and cleaning stuff. It makes you feel overwhelmed sometimes because you signed up for a fun time abroad, not to become suddenly an adult.

So, you might ask, what's the point of leaving if it's this scary? Who would like to have such an experience?
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Because as soon as you're passed the homesick part, that's exactly where your experience really begins. For instance, you're not with your parents. Do you understand? You can do whatever you want. If you feel like eating milk and cereals for dinner you can do it. If you forgot to clean your room nobody says anything about that. You want to go to a party and not come back before 4 am? DO IT, now you can. And it's not just the absence of your parents that makes this experience unforgettable, there's so much more. You can discover a city all by yourself. You can spot new places everyday and discover museums, cute bars where to study, secret places only locals know. Doesn't this make you have goose-bumps just at the thought of it?
And let's not forget about the amount of friends you can make. See, the pro of living abroad is that as soon as you meet someone in your same situation it is easier to bond. It takes nothing to create friends from all over the world, cause in that situation y'all are in the same boat.

So what are you waiting for? Go and live you wonderful experience abroad.


Photos by Radioimmaginaria
