Oltrape 2020 - 6th week

Published by Ludovica Luvi F. on 2020-09-01 in Events
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29th AUGUST, STOP 39
HEY GUYS! Today was such an intense day. Wake up ath 7am, breakfast, we pack our luggages and we leave for Rocca San Casciano. The first thing I see of the city is an open pool, and I thought about how much I would have liked to jump in, it was soooo hot. Then you saw green all over and a river too: I'm not very used to be surrounded by green but it's an experience you absolutely have to try.
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We met a lot of people our age in Rocca and the taught me a lot of things (the municipal counsellor also gave us a guide to discover every corner of Rocca). The trip continues and I'm very excited, it's the first time in Emilia-Romagna for me! I have to leave you now because I have to cook now, I have to prepare a better cacio e pepe than my sister, see you soon!!

Benedetta at the wheel
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28th AUGUST, STOP 38
HEY! We're in Sarsina today, 38th stop of Oltrape. As soon as we arrived we interviewed some teens in the town to aks about online classes. Right after we visited the S. Vicinio Church, and today it's the patron. We also visited the diocese museum where we found a lot of cool stuff like dresses and shoes of priests.

You have to know that Sarsina is quite famous for exorcisms, and Saint Vicino was an exorcist. There's a lot of people who think they're persecuted by the devil. Sarsina is also the birthplace of the famous latin writer Plauto, and we acted one of his poems for a challenge. It was very interesting, but the exorcism part was a little creepy. That's all for today, see you tomorrow!

Claudia at the wheel
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27th AUGUST, STOP 37
Helloooo! We're so happy today because it was an incredible day. We left from our Airb&b here in Bagno di Romagna and we reached the source of the Tevere river, on Monte Fumaiolo. It was really impressive to see a river you imagine to be very wide and polluted so small and pure and fresh. We recorded the episode, the news service and we left in a rusch because we needed to send out the episode. We jumped on the jeep for Sassofratino and the forest ranger accompanied us. It was emotional.
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We got to enter in a place where man has not even moved a leaf, a unique experience! You can see flowers you can't see grow naturally anymore, mushrooms on trees that are not so common outside and even some species that are considered extint! Beautiful! We ate a pizza and got back home.
Tomorrow we'll be in Sarsina, I can't wait! Bye.

Libera at the wheel
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26th AUGUST, STOP 36
Hey guys! It's my second day here in Emilia Romagna and we reached the 36th stop of Oltrape: Bagno di Romagna. It's a historical town and it has a very famous church, Santa Maria Assunta. But more importantly, the legend about dwarves.
Unfortunatley we didn't find any magical creature, but we did find BRD, a young rap group that already have an album recorded.

The most imprortant thing I feel like underlining is the SENSORY PATH. Did you get it right? We basically crossed the woods with our feet bare in very different paths (barks, pine cones, stones and mud that got stuck everywhere).
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Every path had an explanation and it was about the different moments of the visit. For examples, the pine cones represented the pain we had to get used to. The trunks stood for the equilibrium we have to reach in life. It was a mixture of pain and relax, but the view was amazing. If you get luckier than us and find a dwarf let us know!
That's all for today

Chiara at the wheel

6th week
oltrape 2020