Hey! Today was the 35th day of Oltrape 2020, our expedition to discover Emilia-Romagna region. The Aperadio brought us to Ridracoli, right at the feet of one of the hugest walls I have ever seen. Before that, we stopped at the Ecomuseo IDRO, an interactive museum where they tell the story of water on earth and its properties. It was so cool. I know I sound like a nerd since I'm talking about a museum, but I am. Later after that we found ourselves in the damping basin of the dam. It was so impressive to be down there, at the bottom of these 103 and a half meters of concrete.
We recorded the episode and the news service and we left in a rush because TAGLIATELLE AL RAGÙ are waiting for us. Finally a lunch not made with the day before sandiwches! We finished eating at 4pm, got back to the camping with our bellies full, started to pack because we have to leave the camping tomorrow for Bagno di Romagna. Bye!
Libera at the wheel
Once we left from the camping we got to the city centre, then we got down in the river that crosses the city. While we interviewed the mayor Daniele Valbonesi we found out that there is a natural reserve entirely isolated from mankind, and you can't enter unless you're with forest rangers
This made me think a lot. An entire natural area protected and preserved not to risk ruining it with human traces. Thanks to this, in this place we will never find cigarette butts or plastic bottles on the ground. Wouldn't it be nice to do this in every city? The experience of taking a walk would be far more interesting! Anyway, we're getting back to the camping now, see you tomorrow!
Francesca at the wheel
Anyway, we did our news duty and we finally got to take a bath in the river. Later on we got back for the episode. Quite a day today. The struggle of the day was repayed with a nice barbeque in the evening. There two sausages waiting on my plate so I have to say goodbye. GOODBYE!
Libera at the wheel
After our episode and news service we left for the camping, which is a bit hidden inside the woods and mountains. The view is amazing and the camping is too (the toilets are DECENT, there is no smell of pee and there's no weird spots anywhere...a miracle), take my word for it, I usually hate campings! We're preparing dinner now and we're gonna star eating soon, which is always a nice moment of the day. We'll be in Premilcuore tomorrow!
Cate at the wheel
It's so simple to us to take out the trash, so we don't actually realize all the work that there's behind it. It's important to correctly make the separate collection. There are super technological systems to recover the most of what we throw away, not thinking too much about it.
News service, episode, we prepare the Ape again, stop at the supermarket and we got back to Villa Pallavicini. A hell of a day, but worth it. I don't think I could sweat this much and considering everyone's been avoiding me I think it's time to take a shower. Bye!
Libera at the wheel
After Tg we managed to interview the mayor Sandro Palazzi and to give him our pennant, which he immediately hung in his office. The weird this that we all thought about was that the way those teenagers felt during 2012 must have been like we feel now because of Covid. Both of these horrible things made us stay home not going to school and in one way or the other they rearranged our lives.
Francesca at the wheel