In Italy the schools have already closed and, for now, we don't have to worry about how we are going to do to be safe. However, in many other countries, schools have started to reopen and it is amazing how each one of them has adopted different methods and strategies in order to make people go to school in a safely way. So if you were wondering if Covid19 is or will be going to school with us, here are some examples of schools where (unfortunately for Covid) kids are safe and sound.
Denmark is one of the first countries to reopen schools, and in order to avoid the spread of the virus, here's what they have been doing up until now. First of all, they substituted all the contact-greetings (hugging, kissing, shaking hands) with new ways of doing that, for examples foot taps or air hugging. Moreover the classes are mostly taught outside (except when it's cold of course), on the grass and between flowers. Isn't that beautiful?
Denmark is one of the first countries to reopen schools, and in order to avoid the spread of the virus, here's what they have been doing up until now. First of all, they substituted all the contact-greetings (hugging, kissing, shaking hands) with new ways of doing that, for examples foot taps or air hugging. Moreover the classes are mostly taught outside (except when it's cold of course), on the grass and between flowers. Isn't that beautiful?

In Taiwan the schools were never even closed! After learning about the virus' outbreak, this country took immediate measures (let's not forget that Taiwan is one of the few Asian countries where Covid19 was under control). Already from February, in every school were placed plastic shields over the desks in order to avoid people to spit, cough o laugh too hard on each other. Although many think it's horrible making little kids sit with a barrier around them, to me it seems a pretty good thing if you feel like taking a nap and don't want to be disturbed.
Also in Israel schools started again. There are no measures of social distancing (in many schools it's impossible since the classes are composed of 30-40 people and there is not enough space) but everyone must wear face mask and wash their hands regularly.
Also in Israel schools started again. There are no measures of social distancing (in many schools it's impossible since the classes are composed of 30-40 people and there is not enough space) but everyone must wear face mask and wash their hands regularly.

And last in Shanghai, schools reopened as well but with very strict measures. For example, teenagers in most of the high schools, have to pass every morning through a thermal scan and check their temperature on a daily basis. It could seem more like going to a hospital than going to school, but I bet that after spending three whole months in lockdown with just your family, being able to see your friends is a blessing.
We still don't know how the situation in September will look like, but after reading all these examples, we can surely feel safer.
We still don't know how the situation in September will look like, but after reading all these examples, we can surely feel safer.
Animation by Asia Renna