Hey everyone!! W E H A V E A S U P E R A N N O U N C E M E N T T O M A K E
On the 31st of December we'll be in Piazza Duomo on the stage alongside Rai Radio 2 for Milano For Future 2020, the first New Year's Eve Italian event that's going to be sustainability themed.
On the 31st of December we'll be in Piazza Duomo on the stage alongside Rai Radio 2 for Milano For Future 2020, the first New Year's Eve Italian event that's going to be sustainability themed.
We're not joking we promise, we'll be there :) We'll celebrate the new year live on radioimmaginaria.it, on stage with Filippo Solibello from Radio Rai 2 to think about how we want 2020 to be like.
What kind of 2020 do we want? With the help of videos from teens that fight everyday from all over the world to save the planet, we will try to answer this question. These clips will be shown on the big screens of Piazza del Duomo in Milan, and we will try to understand what our wishes and hopes for 2020 are.
There will also be Federica Gasbarro, the only Italian activist chosen by the UN to represent her generation at the meeting about the climate of the United Nations, but everyone will be able to participate!
You just have to post on Instagram a video tagged with #CapodannoForFuture and #MilanoForFuture, to tell your good resolution for the future and for the planet.
The best videos will be selected and the chosen ones will live Milano Capodanno For Future 2020 form under the stage!!
What kind of 2020 do we want? With the help of videos from teens that fight everyday from all over the world to save the planet, we will try to answer this question. These clips will be shown on the big screens of Piazza del Duomo in Milan, and we will try to understand what our wishes and hopes for 2020 are.
There will also be Federica Gasbarro, the only Italian activist chosen by the UN to represent her generation at the meeting about the climate of the United Nations, but everyone will be able to participate!
You just have to post on Instagram a video tagged with #CapodannoForFuture and #MilanoForFuture, to tell your good resolution for the future and for the planet.
The best videos will be selected and the chosen ones will live Milano Capodanno For Future 2020 form under the stage!!
There will also be some cool guests like: MYSS KETA, COMA_COSE and our friends from LO STATO SOCIALE.
Since it's a New Year's Eve focused on sustainability, we'll have to be careful and do our best not to pollute. So don't take any cars or cabs, come by foot or with the metro! We'll also use low consuming light bulbs, flasks and recyclable plastic and paper.
We think it'll be wonderful and we're very excited!! We have to thank Comune di Milano, Artificio23 and Radio Rai 2 to have invited us! It'll be lit!
So this is an official statement!! Sed your videos to [email protected] and tell us what you want this 2020 to be like! They'll be put on the big screen! We'll wait for you on the 31st of December, at 8 pm in Piazza del Duomo in Milan. See ya!
Since it's a New Year's Eve focused on sustainability, we'll have to be careful and do our best not to pollute. So don't take any cars or cabs, come by foot or with the metro! We'll also use low consuming light bulbs, flasks and recyclable plastic and paper.
We think it'll be wonderful and we're very excited!! We have to thank Comune di Milano, Artificio23 and Radio Rai 2 to have invited us! It'll be lit!
So this is an official statement!! Sed your videos to [email protected] and tell us what you want this 2020 to be like! They'll be put on the big screen! We'll wait for you on the 31st of December, at 8 pm in Piazza del Duomo in Milan. See ya!