The rapist is you

Un violador en tu camino
Published by Charlie on 2019-12-12 in Detective
Article cover

I am not sure everybody knows about what is happening in Chile. Basically there have been a lot of demonstrations lately against the government. We have witnessed their spreading in the past months among different Latin American countries.
The reasons why this is happening are different for every country, but this is not even the real focus.
For whatever reason these protests have begun in the first place, something is clear, they have a lot of other problems to address and the people are not stopping here.
These demonstrations resulted in extreme police brutality which has shocked public opinion and that really enlights us on the current situation in that area of the world.

This is the setting in place where the feminist collective "LasTesis" started the feminist flashmob called "Un violador en tu camino" (A rapist in your way).
Many women gathered on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25th) in front of the Supreme Court building in Santiago, to sing and dance this new feminist anthem, aimed at exposing the abuses women have to suffer daily, especially in Chile, where rape is being used by the police as a mean to repress the riots.

What unexpectedly happened was that such flashmobs are now spreading across the globe, women from all different countries are joining the demonstrations, both to raise awareness on the Chilean situation, but also to address a problem that concerns all societies worldwide. Women continue to be assaulted and killed everyday and what is worst is that no one is put to jail for this behaviour.
It is a pressing issue that has to be faced by governments and people, I hate when people say that the word "femicide" is useless and that we should just call it "homicide". The scariest part of such killings is that many women are murdered because they are women. Femicide is, sadly, the proper term to use.

I agree that an International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women should not exist at all, but it does. And if it does exist, then there might be a reason.

Check out the video of the flashmob by clicking on this picture right here and send us the videos of the ones that are taking place in your country!

police brutality