Watch the movie first!

Published by Sofia, from Milan on 2019-10-24 in Nerd
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We all know how it goes. We hear the news that our favourite book is getting a film. We're so hopeful, so happy. And so naive.

The movie is nothing like the book. We're heartbroken, there are some tears, we frantically re-read the book, trying to find some comfort.

And this is why you should watch the film before reading the book. Okay, I know. If you've already read the book, not knowing that it would become a movie, then it's fine. But be sure to watch the film with a really open mind.
But let's just back track a second, and think about a producer. A film producer. Now, if I were in them and somebody offered me to make a movie out of a book, I'd run away in the opposite direction.
I don't want angry fans coming after me, and we all know how angry fans can be. These producers are really brave. And I get it. Trying to fit a three-hundred pages book in a two hours film must be extremely difficult. Also because nobody tried to make a TV series out of a book, where every episode corresponds to a chapter (except maybe "Game of Thrones").

How many of us where disappointed when Peeves the Poltergeist didn't make the Harry Potter movies? For a fan of the movies reading the books and finding him is just a beautiful surprise, the icing on the cake, the new interesting detail.

So, my life-changing advice is really simple: watch the film first!

This way you can appreciate it, then turn to the book and discover so much more about the story, and really getting into it.
books being made into movies
watch the film first