Why can't I read anymore?

Published by Luna S on 2024-01-19 in Nerd
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My relationship with reading has always been fluctuating, a continuum of highs and lows. When I was little, I always had a repulsion towards this activity, probably instilled by my mother (to whom I apologize in case she's reading, but don't worry, you won't be the only one mentioned in this article) who encouraged me to read with that touch of forced coercion typical of mothers.
It took me a long time (and a whole collection of Tea Sisters books) to understand that books were not only excellent decorations but also contained intriguing worlds waiting to be explored. Reading became a refuge and a constant companion. I still remember when I received the sixth Harry Potter book from the library, which, for the record, is almost 600 pages, and I read it in 3 days.
Today, despite my love for reading: I can't read anymore. This is cruelly ironic since I should be writing according to my bio: about TV series, comics, and books. Saying "nah, not today" when picking up a story is extremely frustrating.
Certainly, the lack of free time due to the fact that I have grown up is an important factor, but I feel there is more to it. After a whole day spent studying, the last thing I want to do during breaks is to get back to a book.
The lack of a genre that excites me could be a reason. The readings clearly unsuitable for fourteen-year-olds, imposed by my literature teacher under the threat of a failing grade on the report card, left a bitter aftertaste. I detested her books, and what little I read was a carryover from the tastes I had in middle school. That said, I would never turn my back on Harry Potter, Divergent, Percy Jackson, and similar, but I feel it's time to explore new genres...
Unfortunately, I am also capable of developing guilt towards a book because when one doesn't capture my interest, I hate to abandon it and I simply don't read it. However, by doing so, I remain stuck because I don't start a new one. Still, if I don't start a new one, I'll never feel like finishing this one, and but if I abandon it, maybe it gets better... see, overthinking even over a piece of paper.
In conclusion, my relationship with reading is a fluctuating journey, but I hope as soon as possible to be able to lose myself again between the pages of a good book.