
Horrorscope: what Roman emperor would you be?
Published by Carly on 2024-01-15 in Pop
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If you were a Roman emperor you would be Nero. A bit megalomaniac, so much that Tacitus reports that it was thought that he had made Rome burn and then sang about the fall of Troy instead of intervening, but be careful because in the end he is declared a public enemy and this week you risk that even your friends will see you a little as such.

This week's rating: 🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Hadrian. He was passionate about Greek culture so much that he almost preferred it to his own, a bit like you and English, but be careful because not everyone may be able to translate your words this week.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Caracalla. Known by everyone for its spa, this week after a very stressful period you could really take a trip there, it would do you good!

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Domitian. Like him, you start off well but as time goes by you overdo it and end up badly so this week try to do things calmly and you'll see that you'll get better.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Caligula. He made his horse a senator so why don't you make your pet an honorary professor this week?

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺

If you were a Roman emperor you would be Augustus. Not yet a real emperor but he is still the princeps and therefore the first, as you will be in everything for this week (even if it means that you have to cheat).

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺

If you were a Roman emperor you would be Constantine I. He moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople while this week you will struggle to even get from home to school without missing the bus.

This week's rating: 🐺

If you were a Roman emperor you would be Trajan. The only emperor never opposed by anyone, this week as for him, even the professors will recognize that it is you who are right and not them.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Tiberius. Criticized by ancient historians but re-evaluated by modern historiography, this week you too will discover that the very thing you have always hated is actually not that bad.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Titus. He was good but a little unlucky: he governed for just 2 years and in the meantime Vesuvius erupted (Do Pompeii and Herculaneum mean anything to you?), Rome caught fire (yes, again) and then he died. If I were you I would be careful because his bad luck could be contagious.

This week's rating: 🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Vespasian. For him, money is money (even that earned from public toilets) and this week you will even find €2 in the mud and following his example... you will keep it.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺
If you were a Roman emperor you would be Claudius. He became emperor because he was the most unlikely candidate but (or perhaps because of this) he was the only one left so they didn't have much choice for the succession so, dear pisces, be patient because soon you too will be chosen.

This week's rating: 🐺🐺🐺