Eurovision Logbook - Day 5

#ESC2023 A "royal" interview
Published by Nicco from Rome on 2023-05-11 in Detective
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Liverpool, Wednesday May 10th 2023 - DAY 5

Hi guys! I'm Nicco from Rome and this was our fifth day in Liverpool for the Eurovision Song Contest.

We woke up early to have enough time to prepare our episodes and have a chill breakfast.
We took the train and then had to find shelter from the strong wind in a bar. We also did our episodes there.

Next, we interviewed a Vanity Fair journalist who is an expert in royalty and fashion, Giorgia Olivieri, who was super nice and kind.
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photo by Radioimmaginaria
Then we entered the Eurovision Village which was very full, where we enjoyed Marco Mengoni's performance, who represents Italy with "Due Vite". He did a medley, that is a set of some of the most popular songs by him including "Due Vite" but also "l'Essenziale" with which he participated to Eurovision in 2013.

The performance was fantastic, Italians and not all started singing, dancing and applauding! He was so cool.

We ended our day with a correspondence with RTL 102.5 News.

Remember to follow us on instagram at @onair_ radioimimaginaria!
And to listen to our live broadcasts in English at 15:30 and in Italian at 17:30, on the website www.radioimmaginaria!