Eurovision Logbook - Day 3

#ESC2023 Our first episodes in Liverpool!
Published by Iacopo from Ciampino on 2023-05-09 in Detective
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Liverpool, Monday May 8th 2023, DAY 3

Hi I'm Iacopo from Ciampino and this is our third day in Liverpool.
This morning we woke up early and after a good breakfast we had a meeting to decide what to talk about in our episodes.
Later some of us went to do an interview with the artist representing Romania: Theodor Andrei.
Interviewing him was very interesting because since he's young like us, so it was like a chat between friends in which he was always nice and welcoming.

We ate fish and chips during the day and the owners were kind enough to let us record our first episode of the week (in English) in their restaurant.
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photo by Radioimmaginaria
Then some of us went home to record the last episode of the day: the one in Italian.
If you are curious about how the next few days will unfold, follow us on Instagram at @radioimmaginaria or on
That's everything for today, we'll see you tomorrow for the start of the festival!