Secret Santa is the best!

Secret Santa is the best!: how to give perfect Christmas gifts with no money
Published by Sofia on 2022-12-08 in Pop
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Are you part of a group of friends? Do you want to give them Christmas gifts, but you just don't have enough money for all of them? Don't worry, I have what you need!

Hello everyone! My name is Sofia and I looove Christmas. One of the things I love the most about Christmas is presents! Not just receiving them, but also giving them!

The problem is, I don't have a job and have almost zero money. I was desperately searching for a way to give gifts to my friends without having to spend like one euro for each of them.

That's when I discovered Secret Santa. With this method, no matter how large your friend group is, everyone gets a present!
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How it works is: you write everyone's name onto pieces of paper (the more technical ones can use a website or an algorithm, you can find many online) and everybody pulls one of the pieces of paper from the bowl, or hat, or whatever object you put them in.

The name written on the piece is the person they have to get a gift for. Without telling anyone of course! One of the best things about Secret Santa is having to guess who got you your present based on what you got. So fun!
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It's very easy, just make sure to agree on a budget so that the gifts are similarly priced and, if you pick your own name from the bowl, alert everyone immediately. We don't want to have a Secret Santa like the one in New Girl (if you know, you know).
So this is everything folks! I hope this article was useful. I'll see you next time!