Let's balance out

Let's balance out: one good and one bad news about the climate. A green fuel for planes
Published by Ludovica Luvi F. on 2022-03-03 in Eco
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Let's balance out: what is it?

It isn't as bad as you think. Or maybe it is.

Another week has passed and we're back with the climate updates! This is "Let's balance out" and you'll read one good news and one bad news about the climate crisis. Here you can find the article of last week. Shall we begin?

So what do you want first? The good news or the bad news?

Good news: a sustainable fuel for planes

Desert versus the nature
Illustrations by khalid
We know that flying isn't exactly the more sustainable way to travel, and if you're lucky you can still move around by train. There are some places you can't reach without taking a plane, though. So how can we solve this? Well, there is a team from Cranfield University in the UK that is developing a fuel that does not have any carbon emissions and that works at high temperatures and at high pressure (that's what normally happens when you're flying). It is the burning of hydrogen, that would open the way to a new way to design planes.

If you want to know more, read this article by The Guardian!

Bad news: effects of global warming now irreversible

Illustrations by khalid
According to the last UN study, the effects of global warming are now irreversible. In particular, the IPCC report shows that nature and human beings are becoming unable to adapt to the changing climate, and therefore are becoming more vulnerable. But a very clear thing in the study is that now is a crucial moment in which everything "depends on us, not the climate".
Read this article by the BBC to know more.