Let's balance out

Let's balance out: one good and one bad news about the climate. Thousands of empty flights to take off
Published by Ludovica Luvi F. on 2022-01-13 in Eco
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Let's balance out: what is it?

It isn't as bad as you think. Or maybe it is.

Another week has passed and we're back with the climate updates! This is "Let's balance out" and you'll read one good news and one bad news about the climate crisis. Here you can find the article of last week. Shall we begin?

So what do you want first? The good news or the bad news?
A boy uses parkour to change the bulb of a street light
Illustration by Radioimmaginaria

Bad news: thousands of empty flights to take off

Thousands of empty flights will have to take off because of the European Union regulations. Basically airlines, to keep the best take off and landing slots in airports, have to prove they fly a certain number of flights per month. This is why soon we'll see a lot of empty airplanes flying in the sky.

We know flying is definitely not the most sustainable way of transportation, but in a normal world all of these flights would at least have some passengers on them. But, with half of the world in lockdown or under serious restriction, traveling is not simple at all. And the EU regulations haven't adapted to the situation, so a ton of useless emissions. Read more in this article by The Independent.
An empty plane without any passengers
Illustration by Radioimmaginaria

Good news: parkour against light pollution

The BBC tells us that a group of people with a passion with parkour decided to make the best out of it and use their ability to climb on roofs and buildings to turn off the useless lights in their hometown.
Light pollution is a serious issue, and this is really a cool way of dealing with it.