Top 5 2021 books

Top 5 2021 books: the best books I read this year!
Published by Sofia on 2022-01-03 in Nerd
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Hello nerdy and non-nerdy friends!

2021 is almost gone and it's time for a rewind! But not any kind of rewind; a bookish one! Today I'll share with you the 5 top books that I read this year. Who knows, maybe one of them will be the first book you'll read in 2022! Let's go!

5- “The Schopenhauer Cure” by Irvin Yalom

Omg, this makes me look like a total genius. I promise that this book is less brainy than its title makes it seem. Basically it talks about a therapist called Julius who discovers he has one year of life left. He decides to call a client he had many years ago, who he wasn't able to help. Julius wants to see if on the long run his therapy helped Philip.

The client tells him he didn't help him at all, but he got better thanks to Schopenhauer's philosophy. Julius invites him to a therapy group he manages in order to see how Schopenhauer helped him. If you're studying Schopenhauer at school this book will help you, also because it has some gossips about his life.
some nerdy things like a computer with Netflix, a comic book, Harry Potter's glasses, and Batman's symbol
illustration by Radioimmaginaria

4- “The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett

This is probably the only book I read this summer that I liked. My summer was rough, buddies, cause I had to read a ton of books for school and they weren't all great. If you want to know more about it, click here.

The Vanishing Half is about two black twins with very light skin. One day they run away and Stella tries to pass as white, meanwhile Desiree marries a dark skinned man and has a daughter. Many years later Desiree's daughter meets Stella and, well... you'll see.

3- “One Last Stop” by Casey McQuiston

This is the story of a young girl named August who moves to New York for university. One day she meets a girl on the subway who helps her. August will keep meeting that girl, until one day she discovers that she has been stuck on the same subway line since the seventies! August will do anything in her power to save her, even facing the past she wanted to put behind her.
A collection of books on a yellow background
Illustration by Radioimmaginaria

2- “A Fairy’s Destiny” by Elisabetta Gnone

This is probably not available in English yet, cause it's from an Italian author and it was published in late 2021. It is the last book (for now) of a pretty long fantasy series called "Fairy Oak". This series tells the story of a village where witches, wizards, non magical people, and fairies live together in harmony. One day two twin witches are born: Vaniglia and Pervinca.

The thing is they have opposite powers; Vaniglia is a Witch of Light, meanwhile Pervinca is a Witch of Darkness. When a villain starts attacking the village the opposite twin sisters will be their only hope. "A Fairy's Destiny" talks about their first year of life and their fifteenth from a particular perspective. If you want to start this series I recommend you start from the first book "The Twins' Secret".
a rainbow
illustration by Radioimmaginaria

1- “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo

Now let's stop for a second and consider the fact that this is my new favourite book. This counts more than any prize ever. If the words anti-heroes, impossible heists, and criminals with a good heart sound good to you, this is the book for you. I talked more in depth about it in this article, but here's the plot.

Kaz Brekker is a thief living in Ketterdam, a city full of criminals. One day a rich merchant asks him to accomplish an impossible heist, which consists in liberating a prisoner from the impenetrable Ice Court.

Kaz recruits five other people with special talents and abilities to help him. Will they succeed? Or will they end up killing each other even before entering the Ice Court? Well, you have to read the book to find out!

So this is everything folks! I'll see you next year!
